On Friday, December 30, Forsyth County 4-H will have a 4-H Project Book, Portfolio, and Achievement Form workday from 1 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. at the Forsyth Extension Center. We will have our laptops out for youth to work on 4-H forms and will be on hand to provide guidance and assistance. Please RSVP by December 29 using this Google Form.
Achievement Forms are due January 31. These forms are NEW for this year and will take a little more time to complete, but I encourage you to make this a priority. This application feeds into the 4-H Honor Club form so it will be important in the future. Project books AND Portfolios are due February 21. Visit https://forsyth.cc/CES/4-H/forms.aspx to access those forms.
For more information, email, April Bowman, Extension Agent, Livestock, Forages, and 4-H Youth Development at awbowman@ncsu.edu or call 336-703-2855 or Dr. Monique Pearce-Brady, Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development at dmpearc3@ncsu.edu or call 336-703-2856.