September is National Preparedness and City of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Emergency Management officials are encouraging residents and businesses to be prepared for any disaster by reviewing their emergency plans and updating their emergency supplies kits.
“Being prepared begins with having an emergency plan and several days of supplies,” said August Vernon, Director of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Emergency Management. “Whether it is a manmade emergency or weather event we don’t always know what’s going to happen. However, we can be prepared by making a family emergency plan and practicing it, as well as having an up-to-date emergency supply kit. It’s important to remember you and your family may need to respond quickly in an emergency and preparedness is the key to having that flexibility.”
Vernon encourages residents, schools and business owners to make an emergency plan and practice it routinely with other household members, staff or employees. The plan should include details about where to meet, how to get in touch with one another, evacuation plans, what to do with pets and how to notify employees after an emergency.
“As part of your plan, if you must evacuate, include staying with family, friends or at a hotel. A shelter should be a plan of last resort,” Vernon said. “You should also make sure your emergency supplies kit is up to date, the clothing in it is weather appropriate for any season and includes items needed for survival regardless of the emergency.”
Basic items that should be in an emergency kit are: