With the peak of hurricane season approaching, Winston-Salem/ Forsyth County Emergency Management officials are encouraging residents and businesses to review and discuss their emergency plans and update their emergency supplies kits.
“Emergencies can happen anytime and are often not predictable. Whether it is a manmade emergency or weather event residents can prepare by making a family emergency plan and having an emergency supply kit,” said August Vernon, Emergency Manager Director. “Knowing what you are going to do and practicing your plan will help you and your family to respond quickly in an emergency. It will also help you to recover faster should a disaster affect your home.”
Governor Roy Cooper has proclaimed August as North Carolina Preparedness Month, in advance of the peak weeks of hurricane season.
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Emergency Management encourages residents, schools and business owners to make a plan and practice it routinely with other household members, staff or employees. The plan should include details about where to meet, how to get in touch with one another, evacuation plans, what to do with pets and how to notify employees after an emergency.
The next step is to put together an emergency supplies kit, which contains items needed for survival regardless of the emergency.
Basic items that should be in an emergency kit are:
More information on overall emergency preparedness can be found online at www.ReadyForsyth.org or www.ReadyNC.org. Please take a moment to ‘LIKE’ and ‘SHARE’ ReadyForsyth on Facebook and Twitter to receive the most recently updated information. Check daily for updated information and tips about preparedness.