We are excited to announce a fun opportunity for our 4-H’ers and families during this fall season. Each year during the NC State Fair, 4-H has a hay bale decorating contest for counties. Since the fair is not going to be happening this year due to the pandemic, we are excited to announce the 4-H Hay Bale Decorating Fun for your 4-H families and 4-H’ers. This is a fun opportunity for your 4-H families to spend some time together and have some fun decorating hay bales. There is a family category and individual categories.
Read the rules here. We are accepting sign-ups and registrations through September 15. Look for an email from awbowman@ncsu.edu regarding pick-up locations for FREE bales of hay for your display AND what materials you would like for your display from the 4-H Mall (up to $25 worth of materials). Displays must be in place by Sunday, October 4 in a public location of your choosing in Forsyth County. You must complete the Eventbrite registration before September 15. All youth participants will receive $15 in scholarship dollars for participating.
For more information, email, April Bowman, Extension Agent, Livestock, Forages, and 4-H Youth Development at awbowman@ncsu.edu or call 336-703-2855 or Dr. Monique Pearce-Brady, Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development at dmpearc3@ncsu.edu or call 336-703-2856.